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for podcasts,
book launch events,
roundtable discussions, presentations,
keynote speeches at corporate events or conferences,
or with any other relevant collaboration opportunities
feel free to contact me:

'anyway! who are you, really?' - you may ask yourself.

I'm a forever curious biomedical engineer
who is relentlessly seeking the truth, the science and reality of human longevity.

I'm endlessly eager to learn more about how the world really works.

I'm timelessly captivated by the highly unlikely history of homo sapiens,
and infinitely optimistic about the future of human existence:

where did we come from and where are we heading?

I’m playing the infinite game of Life, raging against entropy, seeking novelty, believing in the highly unlikely.

I'm forever curious about the history and future of humanity and why we are the way we are.

I'm an avid reader, an obsessed runner, a biomedical engineer, an author, a speaker, a researcher and a cancer survivor.

Since then, I’ve been relentlessly taking action to ensure primary prevention.

I'm endlessly chasing flow, the truth, the radical, the strange and the unknown.

I’m a fanatic of human health, and truly, want to live up to 120.

I’m timelessly cultivating an attitude of gratitude, enhancing the human experience, hacking consciousness, actively cocreating and bending reality, heading for the 22nd Century. After cheating death, I always make tragic indistinguishable from magic and constantly come alive instead of just stay alive.
I’m turning science fiction into science fact and making the impossible probable.

I am seldom the one for whom the word is enough, I am the one who wants everything all at once. I’m persistently seeking truth in myth and reality, endlessly curious about the future of humanity.

I use a nonconformist 'out-of-the-box' approach through the lens of a biomedical engineer,
who has survived cancer,
lost his broter and 'wants to live forever'.
I link disciplines and research results that are far apart
- some of them may seem extremely mind-blowing at first sight.
My field of research and interest is a profoundly diverse territory with remarkably radical and disruptive novelty.

for podcasts,
book launch events,
roundtable discussions, presentations,
keynote speeches at corporate events or conferences,
or with any other relevant collaboration opportunities
feel free to contact me:

want to be informed about your keynote speeches, conference presentations, book launches and related events, podcasts, interviews and many more:

If you subscribe to my newsletter at tberci.com, I'll keep you updated via email about my book related events and launches, podcast episodes and other appearances.

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the highly unlikely story of the book ‘Believe, Live, Run’,
or the knowledge base of my second book, Super sapiens!


Help them, too,
to achieve their optimal performance,
perfect their lifestyle
and to reach a long and healthy life
in a world that’s lost its mind.

want to be informed about your keynote speeches, conference presentations, book launches and related events, podcasts, interviews and many more:

If you subscribe to my newsletter at tberci.com, I'll keep you updated via email about my book related events and launches, podcast episodes and other appearances.

tedx_thuroczy_bertalan_budapest_2021TEDx Budapest, 2021, Bertalan Thuroczy

Let's Team up for a podcast or conference or keynote speech!

Over the years, I have received many requests to present the story of my books, biomedical engineering research findings and campaigns on sport and health, which I have gladly accepted.